100% Natural Shark Cartilage - nothing else.
All of our shark cartilage is from sustainably fished shark caught off Australia's Eastern Coast. We use the left over from shark that is caught for human consumption.
Shark Cartilage is packed with 100% natural omega 3 fatty acids (for joint and skin health), calcium (for bone health), and protein (for muscle health).
These fishy treats are great for your dog's dental health, as they naturally clean your puppers teeth as they chew.
Natural treats can be smelly. We do not spray our treats with any preservatives or additives to control smell or shelf life. Our natural treats are smelly because they are completely natural and dogs love them.
No additives. No Fillers. No enhancers. No preservatives.
100% Australian Gummy Shark (Scientific Name: Mustelus Antarcticus)
Sustainably fished shark caught off Australia's Eastern Coast.
This is a single-ingredient product with no preservatives, additives, colours, or added sugar. This product is not sprayed or treated with chemicals to preserve product for greater shelf-life or to improve appearance for retail.